
Tag Archives: paper

I started this new way of working on my origami projects a while ago but it has made a great difference in my work! This set, I would say, has been one of my best work so far and one of my favorites. Instead of using colored origami paper, I have a pack of white origami paper and I either paint or dye the papers so I can make the desired colored paper that I want. I have a watercolor set and if I need a darker color, I use food coloring to dye the paper. For added details, I paint the details once the folds have been made and the flowers are formed. To anyone who wants to improve their origami skills, I highly recommend this! 🙂


This is most likely my last origami project for the summer 😦 sads. I’ve been wanting to change the flowers of this vase for the longest time and I’m really happy with how it looks now. It was the first time I tried branch bending; immersing branches into a mixture of hot water and a little bit of vinegar in periods of five minutes until it is easily bendable, then dipping the branch into cold water so it holds its form. Also for this set, I used a cherry blossom diagram from


Since I have a few pieces around the house, sometimes I look at one and think that I should upgrade them. This is one of my very first pieces. I bought this cup at Daiso (an Asian dollar store) and when my mom saw what I made, she wanted to keep it in her room. I still can’t believe that this photo was from 2011 when I first started making floral origami. The second photo is the updated version of the original. A couple origami books, one very interesting floral art book, practice, and three years later, I’m very happy with how my crafting has grown. ^_^

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Even though I’ve been loaded with assignments from my financial accounting class, I’m very thankful for having great friends in school and my life-long friends. ❤ My life as a student is that if I'm not studying at home, then you will mostly likely find me at Starbucks studying. 😛 My favorite kinds of days are what my friends and I call it "Starbucks Days" where we plan time during the week to meet up and work on anything that we want. I was working on my homework while one of my girls was working on her resume, and another two of my girls were knitting together, so cute! Usually I get overwhelmed by daily routine of just studying when I get home but having Starbucks Days, it helps me power through my assignments and refreshes me since I get to catch up with my girls. ^-^ I also had time to catch up with one of my guy friends which I'm thankful for too. 🙂 And I had time to finally finish my origami project! 😀 One of my friends' roommate was very sweet and gave me a glass vase so I made a flower narcissus set for it. For being a busy busy lady, my happiness comes from the smallest things like working with great people at school, spending time with friends, and even having a craft project. Where does your happiness come from? What are the little things that are making you happy this week? 🙂

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^ My guy friend’s fancy camera 😛
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^ I’m super jealous of the quality though. This is the photo he took with it. *o*